charlotte. nineteen. my two cents' worth.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014


Ladies, if you're anything like me and are still waiting for Prince Charming to come and sweep you off your feet, be worried. Be worried that you're betting on a dream that affects your perception of reality and for most, will never ever come true.

If I've learnt anything, it's that movies and TV and the internet create an illusion of our perfect partner. We have a certain checklist that a suitor must pass, and we are not willing to settle for less (yes, there is a difference between having standards and expecting Prince Charming ladies. We just have to learn the difference!)

Besides, in this day and age, it's all about girl power! We don't need no man anyway! It is now acceptable for a woman to be single and successful without a man by her side (it's about time!) and I personally encourage this. So ladies, delete that mental checklist you have when looking for a partner, and just have fun! 


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